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This year MAB has been nominated for the Ambrogino d’oro, as Milanese excellence in the world ✨
The City Council, for 2023, has awarded the gold medal to individuals only and the “Civic Ambrogino d’oro merits” to associations and organizations.
MAB is among the 15 winners!
We all are, in our history and in our actions in support of Dance and youth!
Thank you always to the Beretta Berlusconi family; to the large MAB family; to the administration led by Dr. Merlini; the secretariat led by Dr Frisone; the World Stars of Dance, today led by Maestro Julio Bocca, who have always supported us; Mediaset and Mondadori; the Teatro Manzoni to be always “our home”; to the schools, to the teachers and to all the boys that continue to believe and to make; to all the technical and artistic team, for the engagement, the will, the trust and the determination, in rendering true the great dream of the Etta lady, of the dear Sabrina and the Teacher Fascilla
W la Danza
With immense esteem and deep gratitude
Silvio Andrea Beretta and Gisella Zilembo