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MAB guest in the USA for Ballet Beyond Borders
MAB Association, returns to the United States, guest of Ballet Beyond Borders directed by Charlene Campbell Carey, after the success of the first US edition of the famous International Ballet Prize, entitled to Maria Antonietta Berlusconi and strongly desired by President Silvio Andrea Beretta.
Leading the Italian delegation in Missoula, general manager Gisella Zilembo, who tells :
“It was a wonderful adventure, of great enrichment, that we are happy to have shared with students and professionals of the circuit, such as Patrizia Tosi (teacher RA) and Giulia Malvezzi (representing accredited schools), Guest lecturers for MAB at the University of Montana”
During her stay in Missoula, Dr Zilembo gave a lecture for MAB on “Theatrical Anthropology and Social Identity” in collaboration with the Civic Centre for Cultural Promotion, winning the invitation to L’Havanna in January 2024 and followed by the meeting with Ahmad Joudeh (international dancer and author of “Dance or die”).
La Zilembo, after the staging of the choreography “Stelle a’Mare” (inspired by the theme of refugees and refugees) at The George &Jane Dennisom Theater was also, as an Italian ambassador of choreographic culture, to report on the history of the Association, on the occasion of the Diolomacy Conference, held at the University of Missoula, in the presence of an audience from 30 countries.
The intervention (in which the figures of Mrs Etta and Maestro Roberto Fascilla were remembered, in their visinario and passionate approach to Dance and the support of young generations of artists) involved and moved international stars of Ballet intervened.
The US trip ended in New York, to lay the foundations for the second edition of MAB USA, scheduled for next April, right in the Big Apple.