MAB 2022: Back to future
At the same time as the 2022 call for entries for the International Ballet Award for the Young, named after Maria Antonietta Berlusconi, the association of the same name is continuing its work in favour of the dance sector and is organizing a series of international events, not only open to Italian schools, but designed to support them.
If a dance school is the centre of lots of young people’s hearts, then it must also be the centre of the world: the living, active hub of their passions and purest dreams, of their time and commitment.
And this is how MAB, with a precise choice made by its President Silvio Beretta, wanted to see it: as a second home for the young, who spend most of their time in theatres, even at the cost of enormous sacrifices and renunciations, which can, today more than ever, be called choices.
In 2022, the legacy of the pandemic, still undeniably present and conditioning, is transformed into a precious inheritance: solutions were born from the problem, which have now become opportunities.
The academic year of the schools included in the support plan of the association named after Maria Antonietta Berlusconi, thanks to the Silvio Berlusconi Special Prize, begins with an intensive course, in collaboration with a prestigious New York reality: the Ballet Hispanico, in November, opens its doors to Italian students.
Under the guidance of their teachers and thanks to their professionalism, with the coordination of the current artistic director, the American Yarden Ronen, the young dancers will face a path of international opening, previously unthinkable.
“Returning to the school means opening up to the world, in all artistic and geographical senses,” recalls general manager Gisella Zilembo.
The November appointments literally open the dances for a series of world-class events in synergy with the most important personalities and institutions in the world of Ballet, until next July.
With a mix of activities in presence in schools, connected together online with every part of the planet wherever Dance calls, what until yesterday were dreams, today become concrete and achievable goals.