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Performing Arts Academy di Huittinen – West Finland College 28\02 – 05\03

Also this year we confirm the collaboration with the Performing Arts Academy of Huittinen – West Finland College for an in-depth program dedicated to the classical repertoire, curated by the Masters Olga Mironenko and Raija Lashmussarii, and the themes of Contemporary Choreography, with the direction of Dr. Zilembo, under the supervision of Professor Evan Schoombie, held between 28 February and 5 March.

The participation of Italian and Finnish students and professionals has facilitated a rich cultural exchange, which was made possible thanks to the generosity of the supporter Maurizio Erbi, owner of Profession Luxury Srl, and the Municipality of Turku, through the Finnish Dance Association Ruusuilla tanssijat ry. The latter, will also have the direction of the Dance Camp in Turku, scheduled for next July at the Finnish University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Association MAB.

Fellows project Adopt a star:
Sofia Caso, Pina Bausch High School, Milan
Alessia Tamagno, Scarpette Rosse, Maya Botta, Biella
Fatima Altruda, Centro professionale danza, Masssimo de Sanctis, Naples
Beatrice Santoro, Professional dance center, Masssimo Sanctis, Naples
Ilaria Pesavento, Gallery space dance, Giulia Malvezzi, Vicenza
Vittoria Galli, Studio Danza, Valeria Olina, Novara
Luca Guastadini, Professional Updating Programme, Padova
Melania Liotta, Professional updating programme, Catania
Ruusa Orpo, Turku ballet school
Vilma Morko, Turku ballet school
Helmi Tuominen, Turku University of Applied